Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bill Moyers Journal

Hey guys welcome to the The Post. I've watching Bill Moyers Journal over the past few weeks. The stories on the Jounral are very interesting and full of information on the stories that we need to hear. It is sad that CBS News lost its image on being the champion of hard news. I love to share with you some clips from Bill Moyers Journal. Enjoy and leave comments. This clip is what would happen if the FCC let the Media companies such as GE, Viacom or News Corp. The decine of Low-Powered Radio and its importance FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps John Stewart of The Daily Show on the Journal Bill Moyers on Buying the War. This is 5 part piece will show you how the Media Brought this stupid war in Iraq For more clips on Bill Moyers Journal log on to and Watch the Bill Moyers Journal every Friday at 9:00pm on WNET 13. A part of our world for Wednesday November 14, 2007. Christopher De Lardge posting have a wonderful day.

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