Monday, December 17, 2007

Christopher Media Blog

Hey everyone I hope your having a great day. Hope you started your Christmas shopping already. If not let's just say shop before you have to push people in Times Square and in the malls. I've have decided that the Blog that I created of Dr. Smith will now be my media blog. A blog in which I provide commentary on not just on TV but also on mass media. From time to time i will be providing clips and articles on mass media. Make sure you listen to my show TV Talk with Christopher. Mondays from 5pm-6pm and World Beat with Lou. From 2pm-4pm. Here's the link.

See you soon I'm Christopher.

Monday, December 10, 2007

PBS Needs your help

Hey everyone welcome to the post always on air and on line. Last week was PBS pledge week. This is the week in which we pledge our money to WNET Channel 13. With your money they can continue to air programs that are insightful and informative. Shows like Bill Moyers Journal, Frontline, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and Charlie Rose. Last Friday on Bill Moyers Journal they discuss on how the Internet has transformed the political landscape with Kathleen Hall Jamieson here is the link.

Also on Bill Moyers Journal Kathleen Hall Jamieson with Melissa Rogers, founder and Director of the Center for Religion and Public Affairs at Wake Forest University's Divinity School. This tells us how Religion plays a role in the political landscape . Here is the link.

This is the kind of discussion that PBS can do. Leave comments and enjoy. That is for the post. I be back next time with another edition of my post. I'm Christopher

Saturday, December 8, 2007

HDNet Presents: The Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum

Hey Guys as you well know this is the year of the presidental debate. I hope that you will pay close attention and watch the debate. One of the those debates/forum is the HDNet Presents: The Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum. It was aired December 4th. Sadly I don't have HDNet. The 8 Democratic presidential candidates went the forum in Iowa. The host is Dan Rather the former anchorman of the CBS Evening News. Your moderators are Michele Norris of NPR and Ray Suarez of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Here is the link: Enjoy and leave comments. That's it for this post unless Bush tries to buy me out. I'm Christopher